Self-Care in these Hectic Holiday Times

The hustle and bustle of the holidays. And right around the corner, a new year 2020!

For a lot of people, the holidays can be full of joy and good cheer as they celebrate with family and friends. However, for others, especially individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives, the holidays can be wrought with anxiety, discomfort, and fear due to a number of factors: events, toxic family members, or holiday rituals that may trigger the individual to re-experience intense feelings.

Check out the following suggestions on how to cope with negative feelings the holidays may evoke in you.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude tends to soften the effects of anxiety and fear.

Every morning, try to run through at least 10 things you are grateful for. For example, it could be gratitude for your family, gratitude for being in good health, gratitude for having a roof over your head, gratitude for the sun, the clouds, and the sea.

If you experience fear or anxiety, then take action.

Remember your symptoms of fear or anxiety are usually historical fears that are currently being triggered by someone or something in your immediate environment. Consciously refuse to accept fear or anxiety at face value. Remind yourself that it’s the nature of trauma to raise its ugly head, and that you choose how you want to react to it.

Tip: Scale the fear/anxiety on a 10 point scale, with 10 being super fearful or anxious; then decide to take action to decrease the number on the scale. For example, if you feel tension in your jaw, and you scale it at a 7. Decide you are going to go on a short walk to decrease the tension from a 7 to a 5. Go on that walk. Don't forget to breathe! 

Have faith at all times.

Faith is not only religious, but it’s also a positive belief in yourself and your success. Faith that you will get through this. Faith that you will feel better. Faith that you will conquer whatever negative symptoms you are experiencing. Faith that you are a good & lovable person.

Always have faith that despite this upsurge of negative feelings, you got this, you know what to do, you take action & succeed!


Self-affirmations are positive statements that you say aloud or to yourself that motivates you towards success. Try these!

Despite my fear or anxiety, I know I am doing the best I can.

Despite this overwhelming vicarious trauma, I will persevere & conquer this thing no matter what.

The fear or anxiety does not define me, me the capable, successful, wonderful person.

Always be mindful.

By staying present-centered in your thoughts by focusing on the here-and-now lessens the effects of fear and anxiety. Be aware of your own negative thoughts and any body tensions you may be experiencing. Take action by challenging or reframing negative thoughts and consciously relaxing or releasing any tension you may be experiencing.

As a mindful exercise, what do you see in the room? What color is it? What shape is it? Is it hard or soft? Imagine it if it were a different color or shape. Imagine your favorite person sitting on it. When you take a walk, notice all the trees, the color, shapes, sizes, and smells, for example.

You may not be able to alleviate all the fear and anxiety you experience, but these few techniques mentioned above will provide you with a strategy to positively cope.

Sometimes just knowing you have a strategy for coping if you hit a rough patch during the family dinner, for example, brings a degree of comfort and a sense of control that will help you through the experience and even find joy.

Do you have other self-care practices during the holiday? Please share below!


Coaching services are performed over the phone or virtually and focus on helping you set goals for what you want to achieve in being successful and working closely with you to create action plans to reach these goals. Coaching differs from therapy in that its focus is primarily on an identifiable goal(s) and strategies to achieve the goal(s). Coaching involves a close collaboration between us in achieving goals. Coaching services are highly individualized and tailored to your specific needs and values. Some of the benefits of coaching include:

  1.               Developing sustainable strategies to accelerate your path to success.

  2.               Focusing on strengths and values in creating plans for long-term success and maintenance.

  3. Addressing a number of issues, including mental and emotional health, and lifestyle changes in behavior to improve your overall well-being.

Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn how I can customize a Coaching plan that’s right for you!

Health Trauma

When a medical condition or health issue is sudden and comes as a shock, the effects can feel overwhelming. A life-altering, severely debilitating, or near-fatal illness or health condition may be extremely challenging to face. You may feel hopeless, irritable, angry, depressed, and stressed. Relationships with family and friends may become strained. Being unable to engage in one's daily routine or attend school or work may be challenging, and you may experience stress related to academic performance, job security, or financial concerns, especially when the prognosis is unclear.

I have over 30 years experience. My services help you develop a better understanding of an illness, disability, or condition and explore ways to cope with the challenges that may be overwhelming you. In addition, I can empower you to change habits or lifestyles that can lead to improved physical well-being.

You have just taken your first step in your healing journey by finding a therapist. For therapy to be successful, you have to establish a meaningful relationship with the therapist. I'm happy to answer any questions you have about therapy and make recommendations that are best for YOU.

Book a free consultation to learn more about my experience and how I can help guide your healing journey. (818) 469-0845 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403